Oct 27, 2009
EK Lam

Check and Verify eRumors with TruthOrFiction.com

If you have an email account, you surely would have received forwarded email from your friends. The emails might contain inspirational stories, virus warnings, pleas for help, rumors or news. How do you determine whether the information received through email is truth or fiction? Just go to TruthOrFiction.com and check it out.

Truth or Fiction

TruthOrFiction.com is a web site where Internet users can quickly and easily check the truth about eRumors, warnings, offers, requests for help, tricks, and humorous or inspirational stories that are circulated by email. You can check an email via the “Search” function provided by TruthOrFiction.com. Just key in one or two unique words and search for relevant articles/stories related to the email. Alternatively, you can browse through the articles/stories by categories at TructhOrFiction.com.

This web service is mainly focused on stories that are the most widely-circulated via forwarded emails. Every story on TruthOrFiction is reliable and has been researched by TruthOrFiction. The sources of the information are included in the stories for readers’ reference. The stories are highlighted with key words like ‘Truth!’, ‘Fiction!’, ‘Reported to be Truth! or Fiction!’, ‘Unproven!’, ‘Truth! & Fiction!’, ‘Previously Truth! Now Ended! or Now Resolved!’ and ‘Disputed!’ for easy reference.

Most of us don’t intend to spread a rumor, hoax, or urban legend. However, most of the time we don’t check the reality of the stories and straight away forward to our email buddies. Some of the email has an email tracker program attached that tracks the cookies and emails of those buddies you forward to. This will result in your buddies’ email account flooded with spam emails. Let’s check all forwarded email with TruthOrFiction.com before forwarding.

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